C@MI (Course@ lia nextrim for Mobility and Infrastructure)


C@MI (Course@ lia nextrim for Mobility and Infrastructure) is an international summer school organized by PICS-L, Gustave Eiffel University (Hocine Imine) in collaboration with DICAM department of University of Bologna (Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna)  (ANDREA SIMONE, Claudio Lantieri) within framework of NextRIM International Associated Laboratory (LIA). It is an intensive 1-week course for Phd students on topics relating to infrastructure and mobility. In particular, teachers are invited to update participants on research developments in the fields of road safety, road asset management, traffic and sustainable mobility with a particular focus on the human factor and new driving support technologies. It is scheduled from June 24 to 27, 2024, on the campus of Université Gustave Eiffel, in Marne-la-Vallée.

Pre-registrations open until May 15th, 2024, can be done on following site:

